The White Magic Coffee Machine Eco Cloth 2 Pack is Australia’s No1 Coffee Machine Microfiber Cloth. It starts with the premium blend of Korean microfiber that is stronger, more absorbent and more aggressive for dirt pick up than cheaper Chinese microfiber. Made with nano silver the cloth will stay fresher for longer as it kills bacteria in the cloth within 24-48hrs after use. For the task of cleaning a barbecue we had to design 2 cloths, one for soaking up spills and mess and the other for polishing shiny surfaces. The Coffee cloth is super absorbent for spills and residue. The Polishing cloth dries and cleans shiny surfaces streak free i.e. Stainless Steel, Chrome, Window and Plastic. Perfect for cleaning all kinds of coffee making devices – Expresso Machine, Filter, POD and Stovetop. Machine washable up to 300 times. Picks up 99.9% of Bacteria (Tested by Silliker Australia). 32 x 32cm x 2 Cloths. Clean and santise all surfaces on a coffee machine with only water
Room Temperature
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